a compulsive organizer with a penchant for dogs and tacos…in that order.You know that old saying: Dogs and tacos make the world go ‘round. Oh, wait…what? That’s not a real saying? Huh. If you ask me, it’s really a life motto we all need to subscribe to.
Here’s another one: You deserve a career that you love (yes, seriously). And if that career happens to be freelancing? Well, I want to help you make that goal a reality.
I remember the feeling all too well. I spent eight hours each and every day in a gray-walled cubicle, just itching to do something different. I wanted more flexibility. More control. More creativity.
After way too much hemming and hawing and far too many soul-searching conversations with my loved ones, I took the leap from the comfort and security of my full-time marketing position with the goal of making it as a freelance writer.
That was years ago now, and since then I’ve built a freelance career and a life that makes me spontaneously bust into my happy dance. Here’s the even better news: I’m confident that you can do the very same thing. And I’m here to help you figure out how.